Radio Bygones

These radios or equipment have been sold are are no longer available. If you are still interested in obtaining one, you may E-Mail us, and we will try to find one for you, but don't hold your breath waiting for it !!

Collins TCS Transmitter
Collins TCS Transmitter
Col 52245
British No. T-1542A

Collins TCS Receiver
Collins TCS Receiver
Col 46159
British No. R-1543A
Reception Set R103 MKI
Canadian Reception Set
R103 MKI
Complete with mounting, spares set and the antenna.
1 to 16 MHz HF Receiver.
Removed from a Staff Car
58 SET
Canadian 58 Set

( Band-1) 2 - 3.5 Mhz
( Band-2 ) 3.5 - 6 Mhz
LS-206A/U Speaker Box for R390A
Watkins-Johnson 560
Watkins-Johnson 560

German W.W.II Radio
This German W.W.II Radio looks as if it was made yesterday, in excellent condition. Cover plates on the modules are missing, but otherwise complete.
German W.W.II EL Aircraft Receiver
German W.W.II
EL Aircraft Receiver
18 SET
18 SET

SR C-13
SR C-13

rf_amp.jpg (48098 bytes)
Racal ATU VRM 549
400 Watts. 1KW versions available
Type H.F. 156 MKII
Type H.F. 156 MKII
HF Back Pack, Complete Transmitter, Reciever
With Backpack, Head Set, and Morse Key
Operates on Six Crystal controlled channels
DF-RX-BC470D Direction Finder
DF-RX-BC470D Direction Finder
Made by Stuart Warner
Racal TRA952 Marine Station
Racal TRA952 Marine Station

C12 Set
C12 Set
AM voice and CW HF transceiver, continuously tuneable with two pre-set channels from 1.6 to 10 MHz. Power provided by 12 or 24V battery. RF output is 5 Watt AM or 8 Watt CW. 8ft rod antenna gives 15 mile voice range. Wire antennas give skywave range up to 200 miles.
931 SYNCAL 30
931 SYNCAL 30
1.6-30 Mhz operation in 1 Khz steps, frequency selection is via five rotary dials and a provision for fine tune with the "search" control for continuous coverage. Modes of operation include AM/LSB/USB, and a High / Low power output option ( 20 watts / high ). Other features include a built in manual antenna tuner that will allow the use of a top mounted whip antenna, or any wire or dipole type. Requires 24 VDC, supplied by a sealed Nicad battery.
A-14 HF Transmitter / Receiver
A-14 HF Transmitter / Receiver
Voice AM and FM systems used for RM Commando and Parachute battalion joint operations. Frequency range from 2 to 8 MHz free tuning. Tuning points at 2.5 kHz intervals. 9 pre-set crystal controlled frequencies in 2 to 4 and 4 to 8 MHz ranges. Power from four 12V NiCd batteries. RF output is 2W LP or 22W HP. Batteries charged by hand generator or from 12V/24V DC source.
British Pye / Rees Mace CAT Receiver
British Admiralty Pye / Rees Mace CAT Receiver
Admiralty patent number 100339, M.F. / H.F. Superhet communications receiver, relatively rare. They were manufactured from 1952 to 1957. Covering 55Khz - 31Mhz in 8 bands. Single conversion on 4 bands and dual conversion on the other 4  bands. Low impedance phone jack, Uses 12 Tubes, Requires 6.3 VAC @3.5Amps and 245 VDC @135ma. Measures 12" cubed.

TR9-H Spitfire Radio Set
TR9-H Spitfire Radio Set
W.W.II Spitfire radio set complete in original wooden box. Excellent condition, no remote control.
Collins KWT-6 Station
Collins URC-32 Station
HF Synth 500W Tx / Rx with auto ATU.
With 9 Tuning Heads
Redifon 1 KW HF Synthusised Tx Station
Redifon 1 KW HF synthusised Tx Station

The AN-FRR/23 is a dual conversion superhet HF receiver that covers 2.0 to 32 MHz. using 29 miniature wire ended tubes. Frequency read out is projected optically on to a glass screen. 110-220 VAC operation.
Wireless Set Number 18 MKIII
Wireless Set Number 18 MKIII
The Wireless Set Number 18 was the standard British Army man-pack radio during W.W.II. It is designed for short range communication working in forward areas. The single unit comprising Transmitter "upper unit", Receiver "lower unit" and Batteries "bottom of the set".
Frequency 6 - 9 Mhz, Range CW 10 miles - R/T 5 miles
SR A-13
SR A-13
HF Radio system AM or FM using Low or High power. Remote controllable from up to half a mile (800m), used for infantry company and amphibious, airborne or special task communications. Frequency range was from 2 to 8 MHz at 2.5 kHz intervals, crystal calibrated at 10 kHz intervals. Powered from a 12V battery. 8 foot rod antenna giving 8 km range or skywave wire antenna giving 160 km range.
M.E.L CP HMOS-01/00
M.E.L CP HMOS-01/00
HF Transciver, Does any one have more info on this set, Circuits, PSU, cables, etc.

YI/5805-99-100-1694, Audio Amplifier
YI/5805-99-100-1694, Audio Amplifier
Made by Staveley-Smith Control LTD. Complete with speaker and cables.
Arial Tuning Unit Number 7
Arial Tuning Unit Number 7
Arial Tuning Unit Number 7, for use with the C11/R210 Radio Stations.
Long range HF patrol radio, used by the SAS.
Larkspur C-45 Station
Larkspur C-45 Station
Cold War from the early 1960’s, VHF Vehicle-based and general purpose radio station.
These were mainly used by the Royal Artillery for command nets and Armoured Fighting Vehicles. FM, Low and High Power facilities. Crystal calibrated free tuning. Operates from 23 to 38 MHz. Power input 24 Volts @100-180 Watts. RF output 0.5 Watt LP, 15 to 20 Watt HP. The whole station weighs over 140 lb, and is supplied with Mounting Frame, Junction boxes, necessary Cables and Hand set.
Reproduction FT-250-A Mount for SCR-610
SCR-510-( ) W.W.II Jeep Radio Set
Includes BC-620-A radio transmitter, PE-120-C power supply, CS-79-C spares box.
Vehicular mounted in W.W.II Jeeps. 20-28 Mhz FM, IF 2.88 Mhz. Transmitter is continuously tuneable, receiver is crystal controlled and has 2 channels.
Uses 13 tubes, BC-620-A requires 60, 22.5 and 4.5 VDC.
SCR-510-( ), SCR-610-( ) Jeep Mounting Details.

Reproduction FT-250-A Mount for SCR-610
100% Exact duplicates of the 1943 version of the much sought after FT-250-A, and the accompanying FT-419 and FT-420 support brackets. Will enable mounting of SCR-610 radio system in war time Jeeps and other Military Vehicles.

The mounts are American made, Laser Cut Steel - accurate to 0.001 Inches. Blanks are formed using a 100 ton hydraulic press. Mounts are given two coats of high grade primer, and then the correct olive-drab paint is applied to them.

Other parts to repair your original mount are also available. These include nameplates, rubber shock mounts, bolts, screws, rivets, etc.

Watkins-Johnson AN/URR-52B Communications Receiver
AN/URR-52B Communications Receiver made by Watkins-Johnson in USA.
Covers 30-1000 MHz in 4 bands, analogue frequency read out, AM/FM/CW. Bandwidths 20, 75 and 300 Khz. Has built-in Panoramic Adapter, uses Nuvistors and Solid-State electronics. 19" Rack Mounting. Operates from 110-220 VAC.

NHB-57 Russian Tank Night Sight

The Swiss NEMA Cipher Machine
During the W.W.II Switzerland, which had been using a version of the Enigma for its own communications, suspecting, that both the Allies and the Germans were able to read their Enigma-enciphered traffic decided to design a significantly improved cipher machine based on the Enigma. Design of NEMA or the (NEue MAschine) begun in 1942, first examples were released in 1945. The Swiss Army and Air Force began to use NEMA in 1947 when over 640 were introduced.

The machine consists of a keyboard with the standard German QWERTZU layout, a wheel -based 'scrambling' device, a lamp-board, a character counter. Scrambler component of NEMA contains ten wheels - marked A-Z, these are actually five pairs of wheels, each pair consisting of a wired component and a control component. These rotors can be moved by hand to set the cipher key. It has a period of 17,576 letters, each ring-rotor pair having a period of 676. Lamps are used to indicate letters it produces.

The NEMA weighs 10.7 Kg and is 332x384x148 mm in size. It has a locking cabinet with 2 metal clasps and a leather handle. Accessories stored in the lid of the cabinet included 4 spare rotors, 16 spare display bulbs, a little steel brush, the external lamp panel & cable, the power cable, and an adapter for an AC light socket. It can be connected to a printing device or a Tele-printer via a 34-pin cable. Power options are, internal or external 4-volt batteries or 110-250 VAC mains supply.

Larkspur C-13 Station
Cold War from the early 1960’s, HF Vehicle-based and general purpose radio station, voice AM/FM and CW with High and Low power facilities.1.5 to 12 MHz, Crystal calibrated free tuning. Power input 24V @70-140W. RF output 0.5W AM or 1W FM/CW LP, 8W AM or 16W FM/CW HP. The whole station weighs over 140 lb, and is supplied with ATU, Mounting Frame, Junction boxes, necessary Cables and Hand set.

Sea-Wolf Missile Rocket Engine Module
This small Rocket Engine module believed to be from Sea-Wolf Missile, made by Rocket Research Co. Uses Hydrazine Missile Fuel as a propellant and is of Titanium construction. The Module has two small and two big rocket motors, controlled by electrically operated Hydrazine Valves. The Engine is in very good condition and is supplied brand new. (Only one unit is available).

The Sea-Wolf Missile is capable of reaching speeds of Mach 2.0 and had a range of 5 Km. The missile was used on board Royal Navy ships as anti-aircraft defence.

Over-all dimensions:
Length 19cm, Height 8cm, Width 15cm (Length 7.5", Height 3", Width 6"), Weight 4Kg.

Infrared Laser Target Illuminator R14A
Mounts on the side of a rifle and illuminates the target with invisible infrared laser light, which can then be seen using night vision goggles. Uses a 4 mW class 3B GaAIAs Laser with a Wave Length of 840-870 nm. On/Off Switch is provided and the laser beam can be focused using a twist knob on the side. The unit is adjustable both horizontally and vertically for accurate alignment. Manufactured 1976 it is light weight unit constructed from aluminium, and was used by British Special Forces. Nato Part Number 5860-99-965-2400. Supplied in good clean condition and includes a carry bag.

TRA-931 HF/SSB Manpack Transceiver (Syncal 30)
The TRA931 Syncal 30 manpack is designed by Racal Radio Ltd, Reading, England. Providing HF transmission and reception in the 16 to 30 MHz frequency range. The synthesiser-controlled TRA-931 is particularly suited for use as a manpack, but can be employed as a fixed or vehicle station by using selected ancillary items. 28400 synthesiser controlled channels are available and a search control provides continuously variable coverage between the 1 kHz channel spacing. The TRA-931 is designed primary for SSB operation, with USB or LSB selectable by the operator, it has facilities for AM and CW operation. CW operation by keyed tone is available in all modes. Transmitter output power is 20 Watts but can be reduced by approximately 6 dB by means of a front panel switch. The TRA-931 is completely sealed to water and dust.

Frequency Range: 1.6-30 MHz.
Number of Channels: 28400.
Power Output: High Power 20 Watts SSB and CW, 5 Watts AM.
Power Consumption: 1.5 A for SSB average speech.
Antennas: 2.4 m whip for operation above 2 MHz, long wire or dipole.
Power Supply, Portable Operation: 24 V @3.5A, ni-cad rechargeable battery MA-934.
Power Supply, Vehicle Operation: 12/24 V DC power unit, MA-937.
Power Supply, Static Operation: 100-125/200-250 VAC 45-60 Hz power unit, MA-949.
Dimentions: Height: 116 mm, Width: 366 mm, Depth: 275 mm.
Weight: Basic set 5 kg, with handset, whip antenna, ni-cad batteries, backpack and carrying frame: 11 kg.

** The TRA-931 is available in limited numbers with the following configurations, Manpack, Vehicle Mounting, or Base Stations, with 100 Watt Amp. Some accessories such as Local / Remote units, handsets etc. are also available, E-Mail for details.

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