This is the original W.W.II radio station that was mounted in American Jeeps or carried as a back-pack into battle by American GI's. The Radio Stations are dated 1944 and use the famous BC-1306 Radio Transmitter and Receiver. We have found these very rare last remaining radio stations in the world. Stored and forgotten for over 50 years in a dark warehouse. These radios were shipped from USA as part of US Lend Lease program in the war against Nazi Germany. The SCR-694 can operate with the wartime BC-611 walkie-talkie's and the post-war GRC-9 radio sets, as well as many other HF radios.
Radio Set SCR-694 is a HF two-way radio Receiver / Transmitter and radio telegraph unit which can provide communication between moving or stationary vehicles, or as a portable field radio set. The radio set can provide communication for up to 15 miles on voice (AM) and 30 miles on (CW) between moving vehicles, and a much longer range if used in stationary position with a long antenna. Frequency range is 3,800 kHz - 6,500 Khz. Uses tubes and works from 6, 12 or 24 Volts DC.
The radios are supplied fully operational with a DY-88 Power Unit and are in fair condition with the usual paint scratches on the case. The DY-88 Power Unit is post-war improvement to the war time PE-237 and is considerable smaller and much lighter in design. Optional accessories can include Hand Crank Generator with seat, Antenna System, Spares Tube Kit, Canvas Bags, Jeep Mounting Plates, etc. See table below for available accessories and package options.
Radio Set SCR-694 is a HF two-way radio Receiver / Transmitter and radio telegraph unit which can provide communication between moving or stationary vehicles, or as a portable field radio set. The radio set can provide communication for up to 15 miles on voice (AM) and 30 miles on (CW) between moving vehicles, and a much longer range if used in stationary position with a long antenna. Frequency range is 3,800 kHz - 6,500 Khz. Uses tubes and works from 6, 12 or 24 Volts DC.
The radios are supplied fully operational with a DY-88 Power Unit and are in fair condition with the usual paint scratches on the case. The DY-88 Power Unit is post-war improvement to the war time PE-237 and is considerable smaller and much lighter in design. Optional accessories can include Hand Crank Generator with seat, Antenna System, Spares Tube Kit, Canvas Bags, Jeep Mounting Plates, etc. See table below for available accessories and package options.