Home :: Our Museum Items :: British Army Morse Key Trainer Model BZ-1000

British Army Morse Key Trainer Model BZ-1000

British Army Morse Key Trainer Model BZ-1000
SKU 2302
Weight 1.50 Kg
Equipment Grade Grade 2
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This is a nice practice Morse key to learn Morse code with. Totally self contained and easy to move around.

The trainer isMade by Morse Equipment Ltd. in England, Model No. BZ-1000. These Morse Trainer keys were used by the army in the training of new radio operators in the art of Morse Code. The unit uses one standard 9 Volt PP3 Battery and has a built in sounder, that produces a pleasant sound.

The high grade Morse key is manufactured by Hi-Mound in Tokyo, Japan. Model No. HM-HK708 and can be connected to external equipment and used as a normal Morse key.

The key and the sounder unit is mounted on nice bevelled wooden base with felt backing. Overall dimensions 17*17*6 cm. Supplied in good condition, tested and operational.