Home :: Our Museum Items :: German TTL-6607 Geiger Counter Training Unit

German TTL-6607 Geiger Counter Training Unit

German TTL-6607 Geiger Counter Training Unit
SKU 1493
Weight 2.50 Kg
Equipment Grade Grade 3
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German TTL-6607 Geiger Counter
German made Geiger Counter used by the German Army in the mid 60's.The TTL 6607 measures radiation in 5 ranges 0.5 r/h, 5 r/h, 50 r/h and 500 r/h. Battery check indicator and Alarm, operates from a 6V battery Not Supplied. The Geiger Counters are supplied untested and include a canvas bag. Usage instructions are written on the front panel in German.

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German TTL-6607 Geiger Counter