Racal RA-2091 VHF Synthesised Communications Receiver. Solid State construction. Covers 20-400 Mhz in four bands using two interchangeable RF tuner heads. Tuner Head one covers 20-40 Mhz and 40-90Mhz, Tuner Head two covers 90-195 Mhz and 195-400 Mhz. Large single tuning control with fast/slow tuning speeds and frequency lock facility. LED type frequency readout display, AM, FM, CW, and Pulse operating modes. Other features include BFO, Noise Limiter, Tuning and Signal Strength Meter, AGC, Carrier Operated Relay, and externally available IF and Video/Audio outputs. Bandwith 6,20,50, 300 Khz. Requires 110-120-220-240 VAC @50-60 Hz. Supplied with a mains lead and in very good working condition, Grade 2.