The KH-24 (2NK24) Battery is a 2.5 Volt 24Ah Nickel Iron Battery, used with the R-105D, R-108D, R-109D, R-407 as well as other Russian portable radio sets. Dimensions 120*65*185mm.
The battery is supplied without electrolyte and must be filled before charging. Electrolyte is a solution of Potassium Hydroxide in distilled water with a small amount of Lithium Hydroxide. Electrolyte density 1.2 g/ml. Normal charging rate, 3.3 Amp for 6 hours. Supplied in new and un-issued condition dated 1971, untested.
The battery is supplied without electrolyte and must be filled before charging. Electrolyte is a solution of Potassium Hydroxide in distilled water with a small amount of Lithium Hydroxide. Electrolyte density 1.2 g/ml. Normal charging rate, 3.3 Amp for 6 hours. Supplied in new and un-issued condition dated 1971, untested.