The British Army Clansman UK RT-321 / VRC-321 HF system has been designed and developed by MEL Communications Ltd in Crawley, England for mobile or static use. It is primarily designed as an HF vehicle station for mobile ground-wave operation, but can also be used as a ground station or for sky-wave operation over long distances. With the addition of a 250 Watt RF amplifier the station becomes a VRC-322, which is available elsewhere on this website.
Digital frequency selection in 100 Hz steps over the 1.5 to 30 MHz frequency range. All frequencies are synthesized from one reference oscillator. The receiver / transmitter frequency is selected by decade switches. Power output, High Power 40 Watt PEP (SSB), 25 W CW Low Power 5 Watt PEP (SSB), 5 W CW. Beta light illumination is provided to enable the meter and Setting Switches to be read in the dark.
The equipment operates from 28 VDC power supply which can have a wide variation in nominal voltage ô20-32 VDCö and suffer from ripple, surge and transient variations. It has a power consumption of 30 W on receive and 140 W on transmit to provide 40 W PEP output.
Direct connection is provided for audio gear, remote-control, and so on. Mobile antenna, static ground-wave antenna, end-fed sky wave antenna or dipole antenna can be used with this radio station.
The controls and front-panel has been designed to permit straightforward unambiguous operation without the need for extensive operator training. Protection circuits prevent damage from various hazards including local high power transmissions. The station can be operated by direct connection of audio gear, via the Clansman harness, or remote lines. Provision is also made for RTT operation and the remote-control of a duplex transmitter from the receiver unit.
The Radio Station is available in good working condition. Tuner unit RF TURF and Selective unit RF SURF are available as optional accessories. Other accessories such as Harness Boxes, Hand-Set, Head-Sets as well as Vehicle Mounting Trays for the radio and TURF / SURF are available separately on this website.
Digital frequency selection in 100 Hz steps over the 1.5 to 30 MHz frequency range. All frequencies are synthesized from one reference oscillator. The receiver / transmitter frequency is selected by decade switches. Power output, High Power 40 Watt PEP (SSB), 25 W CW Low Power 5 Watt PEP (SSB), 5 W CW. Beta light illumination is provided to enable the meter and Setting Switches to be read in the dark.
The equipment operates from 28 VDC power supply which can have a wide variation in nominal voltage ô20-32 VDCö and suffer from ripple, surge and transient variations. It has a power consumption of 30 W on receive and 140 W on transmit to provide 40 W PEP output.
Direct connection is provided for audio gear, remote-control, and so on. Mobile antenna, static ground-wave antenna, end-fed sky wave antenna or dipole antenna can be used with this radio station.
The controls and front-panel has been designed to permit straightforward unambiguous operation without the need for extensive operator training. Protection circuits prevent damage from various hazards including local high power transmissions. The station can be operated by direct connection of audio gear, via the Clansman harness, or remote lines. Provision is also made for RTT operation and the remote-control of a duplex transmitter from the receiver unit.
The Radio Station is available in good working condition. Tuner unit RF TURF and Selective unit RF SURF are available as optional accessories. Other accessories such as Harness Boxes, Hand-Set, Head-Sets as well as Vehicle Mounting Trays for the radio and TURF / SURF are available separately on this website.