Interconnecting Box, Gun Control / Audio Amplifier
NSN 5820-99-900-9552 was originally intended for remote audio control of line and radio in British Armoured Vehicles. Has 4 Remote Guns Control lines. Larkspur type connectors for audio and power. Audio Gain control, Radio or Line selector control. 24 Volt operation. Can be used with Larkspur Vehicle Radio equipment such as C-13, C-45, or as a stand alone vehicle intercom system.
NSN 5820-99-900-9552 was originally intended for remote audio control of line and radio in British Armoured Vehicles. Has 4 Remote Guns Control lines. Larkspur type connectors for audio and power. Audio Gain control, Radio or Line selector control. 24 Volt operation. Can be used with Larkspur Vehicle Radio equipment such as C-13, C-45, or as a stand alone vehicle intercom system.